Kitti Kelemen Kitti Kelemen

New projects

As we slowly swim into the next semester, more and more projects seem to come up. My main focus is still practicing the flute of course, but in the past nearly half year writing has also become a daily activity. Not only blog writing here, but also starting my fantasy book. Today I experienced calmness just by doing the things to reach my goal. Reading Eckhart Tolle’s Power of Now, a new approach hit me. I do the thing. I show up and do the thing. It is okay if it’s bad. With time, “bad art” can become something good. It is okay if it isn’t my best day. I still do it the best I can. I cannot be faster than myself anyway. I just work towards my goal continuously. I took up a lot of new projects for this year and it was a bit overwhelming to see all of them at once, but now I know where to start. At the beginning. This ridiculously simple answer seems obvious now, that I take a moment to look at my life from the outside. Wow! This is a powerful book! I read only the first few pages of it and already such calmness got into me, which I didn’t experience for a very long time. Today I also remembered the most important thing in connection with learning by heart. The best performance comes, when the inner mental “chatter” is quiet. The easiest way to this state for me is to close my eyes. It isn’t a 100% success always, but when I close out every visual impulse, it makes the concentration much easier.

Thank you for reading, see you in the next post!

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Kitti Kelemen Kitti Kelemen

A week of nostalgy

The past week was filled with family activities, practicing and rehearsals. Coming home always feels like as if I would travel not only in space, but also in time. Sometimes I feel like nothing has changed since I moved to Denmark, but then I meet a classmate or an old friend, who just got married or had a kid recently and this feeling goes away immeditely. Now I start to understand, what all the relatives meant, when they said: The time flies so fast!

It was a great pleasure, to visit my old music school and play on the New Year’s concert of the windband. I was an active participant of the band for nearly 10 years, although when I have time, I still drop by, if they have a rehearsal. We play marches, polkas and even pop music. Usually we have a lot of guests with us on this concert: this year we had ballroom dancers, cheerleaders and a singer. The venue was a restaurant this year, it had a bit different acoustics and a lot less space than the culture house, where we used to play before. I really enjoed playing together again and the rehearsal schedule helped me to stay focused on practicing even in the holiday period. A big surprise (and the biggest moment of nostalgy) was, when I discovered that the band uniform still fits me, eventhough it was made around 2014. Last year I could not participate on this concert, but I am happy, that I could come this year. Now we also had a bit of modernization, the concert was live streamed on Facebook and still available on the following link:

Thank you for reading! See you in the next post!

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Kitti Kelemen Kitti Kelemen

New year, new me?

The end of a year is the time, when we usually take a moment to look back and also to plan the upcoming year. This time is now, time for letting the past go and to reborn for the new year. I use a method of “word a year”, 2024 was the year of courage for me. This method proved incredibly powerful, because it supports the change of idea instead a change of outcome. As I read in Atomic habits, any change is more likely to be long term effective, if it changes the identity connected to the habit. For example I don’t consider myself as a person, who likes extreme sports or anything crazyness, but when I had to decide if I will sit on a big rollercoaster or not, the little voice said in my head: You know, this is the year of courage… And I did it. It was a memorable adrenalin shock and I screamed at the top of my lungs, but it was still worth it. It was a huge relief (after I got off from it naturally). By remembering that this is the “year of courage”, I understood the true meaning of what my father used to say: You are allowed to cry and be afraid, meanwhile you do the thing, but you still do the thing. Looking back, I see it now how long I have come in this year. I learned important things about the world and about myself too. Now it feels, that the year passed by quickly without any crucial happening, but this is not true. Let’s see a few things I am proud of from 2024:

  • I finished my first degree at the Danish National Academy of Music ( Classical flute - Bachelor)

  • Started the Master’s programme at the same institution

  • I started to teach on my second foreign language ( it is far from being perfect, but I learn every day)

  • I started to write my fantasy book, which I have the idea of since I was 9

  • I launched this website ( this is partly true, because the official launch date is 2025.01.01, but the posts and some of the contet were made beforehand)

So in the remaining few days of this year, I will make a plan of “new identities” in my bullet journal. I will figure out, what would i like to write to a similar post on the 31st of December in 2025. What would I like to call myself next year? One thing is decided already: 2025 is The year of Health. Both mental and physical. More about this goal comes in the next post. Thank you for reading. See you in the next post! Happy New Year!

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Kitti Kelemen Kitti Kelemen

My bullet journal

I use the bullet journal method for over three years now and I can only recomment it. The basic principle is really simple, it starts with 3 signs for marking events, to do list and thoughts. I always enjoyed writing by hand, but as the high school ended, it was not so significant anymore. I heard about the bullet journal much sooner than I actually started using it, partly because why would I use an analog system in the digital world, especially if I am not a painter to turn it a beautiful piece of handcraft. Later I participated an event called “ Career day” on my university and one of the workshops was about the bullet journal method. This gave me the missing courage to buy one on the very same day. I use the “traditional” dotted notebook for this purpose, usually with a hard cover to protect it from possible damages caused by smashing it to any travelling bag. It is a place, where the system is immediately customized to my taste and use, the absolutely blank pages gives great freedom. There is no wrong way of building it up, if it works it’s good and if it doesn’t, then the pages leave space for changing. For me it is a safe space and a place for meeting reality.

I use the bullet journal method for over three years now and I can only recomment it. The basic principle is really simple, it starts with 3 signs for marking events, to do list and thoughts. I always enjoyed writing by hand, but as the high school ended, it was not so significant anymore. I heard about the bullet journal much sooner than I actually started using it, partly because why would I use an analog system in the digital world, especially if I am not a painter to turn it a beautiful piece of handcraft. Later I participated an event called “ Career day” on my university and one of the workshops was about the bullet journal method. This gave me the missing courage to buy one on the very same day. I use the “traditional” dotted notebook for this purpose, usually with a hard cover to protect it from possible damages caused by smashing it to any travelling bag. It is a place, where the system is immediately customized to my taste and use, the absolutely blank pages gives great freedom. There is no wrong way of building it up, if it works it’s good and if it doesn’t, then the pages leave space for changing. For me it is a safe space and a place for meeting reality. There are some “self-developed” collections and other methds merged together in my version. Here comes a brief summary of how I use my bullet journal:


As in every book, my bullet journal also starts with an index, so I (or anyone else) can find everything fast and effectively, when needed. I reccomend to use this, regardless what are you using the bullet journal for.

Future log

A place for “I didn’t make the monthly log yet for this, but important to remember”. In my case it takes 4 pages to see all year round, so when someone comes with a christmas project in June (with musicians it can easily happen), then I have a place to jot it down, so it is poking the back of my mind, when an another project comes up later for the same time period.

Busy or chill?

It is an enterpreneur tool originally applied in excel, but I have a colournig version in my bullet journal. In this section I see which week is busy on which part of my life. With more part time jobs, university, own projects and personal life at the same time, this became a crucial part of my planning. Ideally my goal is to let it be busy (marked as red) only on one part of my life. For example when I have exams, then the school is the main focus, but when I am on holidays, I am focusing on getting new experiences.

Mothly log and habit tracked

For me, these pages are linked together. I write the bigger events, concerts and traavelling in this log and tranck my habits right next to it, so I can see immediately why was it easier or harder to keep up with the new habit on a particular day. To surprisingly big extent it helped me with continuousity, that I have a box to color each time I do the task.

Life wheel

This is the newest page in my bullet journal. It is a tool for monitoring my feelings and relations to different fields of my life. I do the life wheel once a month to see the balance of my life. I heard about this on the Youtube channel of Ali Abdaal, so go and check it out, if you would like to hear more about the topic.

Weekly and daily log

In the weekly log I see the whole week with upcoming events and deadlines. For a long time I didn’t use daily log, I wrote all of my to do lists into the weekly log. Now this list got so long, that I needed a separate daily log, where I track only thing to do and sometimes one or two sentences of reflections of what just happened (always with current time). It is a good way of memory recording, it is fun to reead those little notes years later.


The collections are a section to be use for absolutely anything. Usually I start from the back of the book, so it doesn’t disturb other sections of the book. I use it to log books I read, to capture ideas and to make notes on worshops I attend to.

If you would like to get more information about the bullet journal method, you can find their Youtube channel here :

Thank you for reading, see you in the next post!

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Kitti Kelemen Kitti Kelemen

Organiznig as a yellow…

The last week was intense, but somehow still quiet. I had an opportunity to visit Gdansk, the sixth-largest city in Poland. Before the trip I visualized myself as a 100 percent prodictive artist, getting inspiration from the new inspiration and working with it right there and then. I also sank more deeply into the book called “Surrounded by idiots” by Thomas Erikson and the more I read, the more I see myself (and also others). As you can assume from the title, (according to the bahavioral patterns mentioned in the book) I am at least partly yellow. So as you can guess, the planning part went really nicely, but then I was not really able to actually keep it. This indicates two things: either my plan was not really well planned or it was not realistic. Probably both. Recently I had a discovery, which might have been quiet obvious to my environment, but not for me: to come up with ideas is really easy for me. But to actually throughoutly organize and execute them, that’s a totally different thing. The clear and achievable goals help the process. For example with this blog I have a clear goal: one post/week. It is very clear and measurable, so no problem with this part. The next step is making it as a habit and finding a “non-time” frame for it. In my opinion it is easier to connect habits to each other than to the clock. For example I always brush my teeth before I go to sleep. It doesn’t matter, if it’s 9pm or 4am. I will still brush my teeth. The long lasting and truly meaningful habits connect to eachother, not the clock. This is a task for next week, to find what has to be made as a habit like this. Hopefully I will finish the book until next week and launch the book club as well. Thank you for reading and see you in the next post!

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Kitti Kelemen Kitti Kelemen

The week of inspiration

This week was truly an inspiration. According to the book of Thomas Erikson: Surrounded by idiots, I consider myself as a mainly yellow (and partly green) person. Therefore a week like this, gave me a huge amount of ideas, so the next step will be to figure out how to execute them. This blog was the starting spark, later during the week I discovered, that many of my ideas/dreams can be achieved in reasonable time periode (some of the things I believed I will never be able to do, I have a possibility to try next year!!!) Now comes a list of ideas and maybe we can brainstorm together to have the right approach with eacth one. Let’s see:

  1. Internet safety: I thought a lot about this subject during the week, this is one of the reasons why (at the moment of writing) my website have not been published yet. Will someone try to steal my data or my pictures from my website? Is there any method to prevent it or reduce the probability? That’s a research field for the next week.

  2. Flowers of rememberance: As a student of the Danish National Academy of Music I have an opportunity to take part in a project called “The flowers of rememberance”. This project contains both mentorship and possibility of performing on the famous H. C. Andersen festival in Odense (Denmark). I would have idea for own music written based on Andersen’s tales. It would be fun to have such concert, where the kids get a well known fairy tale in a new musical environment.

  3. Tarhos 250: Tarhos (an extremely little village in the corner of Hungary) celebrates it’s 250th year of establishment. And this really moves my imagination, I would love to create music for this unique occasion to increase the feast of the village I was born in. I have a melody on my phone recoded years ago and I always felt that it brings me home. Now is the time to finish it!

  4. Dream choir: I love choir music. Better, I love 4 part acapella choir music. I liked the conducting of a small vocal ensemble last year, but I still felt a bit of hunger after it. A hunger for more. For the beautiful choir works. And to write my own music. This week by a rush of courage I asked my class mates if they have a choir. They said “no”. And then I asked if they want one…. and they said yes! The day after I talked to our school administration if I can make a choir just like that and…. They were more than happy!!! Just like that. One of the things I thought I will never have the chance to and people said yes. Just like that.

Of course these are great ideas, but will be shaped by time, experience and other happenings. Two things I’m sure about. Number one: I have a lot of work ahead of me, but the good type, the one which I can enjoy the journey of. Number two: I am extremely glad, that I took the time on Sunday after 9pm to write this post. Even if noone will see it. But it still matters for me. I showed up today. I did it! Thank you so much for reading, see you in the next post!

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Kitti Kelemen Kitti Kelemen

Getting Started

The start is always the hardest part.

I feel, that start is always the hardest part. To start something new, you need courage. You experience the true courage, when you do something you are afraid of. Like I do right now. I write a blogpost in english (which is not my mothertongue) and I publish it. It is scary. Even with the knowledge that noone in my family will know, what I write about (they don’t speak english), I’m still scared to think about the fact, that someone I know starts to hate me, because I maybe mentioned them in my blog. If I rationally think about that, of course I see, that this is very unlikely to happen. Am I really afraid of my own family? The same family, who was always there for me? Who are supporting me with everything without a single question all the time? My loved ones, who believed in me way before I started to believe in myself? Foolish thought, isn’t it? I am rather grateful for all of them. I am aware of all the brutality happening in the world and yet, I got an amazing supportive family, stable financial background and loving boyfriend. With all the focus on productivity and personal developement, I have tendency to forget to stop and be grateful. The gratest things in my life I have already, I just have to remember that. This post is a short one for now, otherwise I plan to write on every weekend for one hour about my adventures during the week. Thank you for reading, see you in the next post!

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