New projects

As we slowly swim into the next semester, more and more projects seem to come up. My main focus is still practicing the flute of course, but in the past nearly half year writing has also become a daily activity. Not only blog writing here, but also starting my fantasy book. Today I experienced calmness just by doing the things to reach my goal. Reading Eckhart Tolle’s Power of Now, a new approach hit me. I do the thing. I show up and do the thing. It is okay if it’s bad. With time, “bad art” can become something good. It is okay if it isn’t my best day. I still do it the best I can. I cannot be faster than myself anyway. I just work towards my goal continuously. I took up a lot of new projects for this year and it was a bit overwhelming to see all of them at once, but now I know where to start. At the beginning. This ridiculously simple answer seems obvious now, that I take a moment to look at my life from the outside. Wow! This is a powerful book! I read only the first few pages of it and already such calmness got into me, which I didn’t experience for a very long time. Today I also remembered the most important thing in connection with learning by heart. The best performance comes, when the inner mental “chatter” is quiet. The easiest way to this state for me is to close my eyes. It isn’t a 100% success always, but when I close out every visual impulse, it makes the concentration much easier.

Thank you for reading, see you in the next post!


A week of nostalgy