New year, new me?
The end of a year is the time, when we usually take a moment to look back and also to plan the upcoming year. This time is now, time for letting the past go and to reborn for the new year. I use a method of “word a year”, 2024 was the year of courage for me. This method proved incredibly powerful, because it supports the change of idea instead a change of outcome. As I read in Atomic habits, any change is more likely to be long term effective, if it changes the identity connected to the habit. For example I don’t consider myself as a person, who likes extreme sports or anything crazyness, but when I had to decide if I will sit on a big rollercoaster or not, the little voice said in my head: You know, this is the year of courage… And I did it. It was a memorable adrenalin shock and I screamed at the top of my lungs, but it was still worth it. It was a huge relief (after I got off from it naturally). By remembering that this is the “year of courage”, I understood the true meaning of what my father used to say: You are allowed to cry and be afraid, meanwhile you do the thing, but you still do the thing. Looking back, I see it now how long I have come in this year. I learned important things about the world and about myself too. Now it feels, that the year passed by quickly without any crucial happening, but this is not true. Let’s see a few things I am proud of from 2024:
I finished my first degree at the Danish National Academy of Music ( Classical flute - Bachelor)
Started the Master’s programme at the same institution
I started to teach on my second foreign language ( it is far from being perfect, but I learn every day)
I started to write my fantasy book, which I have the idea of since I was 9
I launched this website ( this is partly true, because the official launch date is 2025.01.01, but the posts and some of the contet were made beforehand)
So in the remaining few days of this year, I will make a plan of “new identities” in my bullet journal. I will figure out, what would i like to write to a similar post on the 31st of December in 2025. What would I like to call myself next year? One thing is decided already: 2025 is The year of Health. Both mental and physical. More about this goal comes in the next post. Thank you for reading. See you in the next post! Happy New Year!